“August is known as “the dog days of summer” not because of the hot, sultry weather not fit for a dog, but because of Sirius, the brightest star visible from any part of earth. Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major, ‘The Greater Dog.’ Sirius rises with the Sun during the end of July and through mid August. Be a bright, rising star by sponsoring a new member! It has been my honor to have been your membership chair the past two years. Thanks to everyone who helped along the way.” Brenda O’Gorman
Rotarian Terry Burger joined the Rotary Club of Salina in 2003. Terry was sponsored by a fellow pilot friend, Kevin Pritchard. During his tenure with Rotary, Terry served on the board going through all chairs and as the Club’s President from 2008-2009. He is currently serving on the board again.
Terry was raised on his family farm in Northwest Saline County, Pleasant Valley Township. This farm originally homesteaded in the late 1890s is now a 6th generation farmstead and home to Terry and daughter, Lindsay’s family. Terry is married to Shelda of 42 years who retired from USD 305 where she was the head of the counseling department. Together, they have four children. Daughter, Arianne, most notably facilitated the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) that was signed between Rotary International and The Peace Corps in 2014. Arianne, who is also a Rotarian, helped charter a satellite Rotary Club in the Denver Metro area for returning and past Peace Corps volunteers. She is head of Employer Relations for The State of Colorado. Son, Joshua, is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Colorado Air National Guard. He is an F-16 Fighter Pilot and a current Commander of the 140th Wing at Buckley Air Force Base. Josh has served since 1996. Daughter, Lindsay, served as the Rotary Club of Salina President from 2013-2014, and is an agent with Farm Bureau Financial Services where Terry spent 46 years as an agent serving the Saline County and its surrounding area. Daughter, Carly, is a Product Manager for Hallmark. She patented the gift bag card pocket located on the inside of all Hallmark gift bags. Together, Terry and Shelda have seven grandchildren.
Terry attended Emporia State University graduating in 1970 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Education. In 1974, after teaching in Spring Hill, Kansas for four years, Terry moved back to Salina to join Farm Bureau. Terry’s true love is aviation. This hobby began in 1971 with a small loan from a young banker, Mike Berkley. Terry has since owned and flown over 22 airplanes.
Terry believes the Rotary Four-Way Test is the true confirmation of what makes our world better. Is it the Truth? It is Fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
