Lerin Krallman has been a part of the Salina community since 1992. She attended K-state and Hutchinson Community College and went on to work in the medical field from 2003 to 2014. With a spinal surgery leaving her looking for a career change, she was able to land her dream job at the Salina Public Library. Having been a volunteen at SPL in middle school she knew working at the library would be a perfect fit. She started in the Technology Center at the help desk and worked her way up to department manager. She is currently the Head of Community Engagement. Lerin was married last April to Nathan. They have two dogs Zuri, a Shiba Inu, and Remi, a Welsh corgi. In her free time, she loves watching food vloggers on Youtube, listening to stand-up comedy while cleaning the house, and reading about different religious organizations and true crime stories. While researching local organizations that shared values similar to her own, she discovered Rotary. After attending her first meeting, she went to her director and said "We have to be a part of this"
